
About WikiBest

WikiBest - online game about comparing data quality between various languages of the Wikipedia. This non-commercial service is a part of researches of scientists from Poland, Belarus and Ukraine on data quality in Wikipedia.

Currently game allows to compare the data quality in infoboxes in 5 languages. User must choose the best language version of infobox in 4 categories: the best quality, the best completeness, the best credibility, the best timeliness.

WikiBest game is designed to build algorithms for automatically comparing the quality of data between individual language versions of articles based on the decisions of users (players). To build such models, machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques with additional measures will be used. It can help to choose more complete, credibile and timeliness information that could enrich other language versions of Wikipedia.

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Useful links

  • Wikipedia - a multilingual, web-based, free encyclopedia based on a model of openly editable content
  • WikiResearch - research news from Wikimedia.
  • Wikidata - central storage for the structured data of its Wikimedia sister projects including Wikipedia
  • DBpedia - project aiming to extract structured content from the information created in the Wikipedia project
  • Wikipedia quality - portal about concepts, researches and services related to quality assessment of the multilingual Wikipedia
  • WikiRank - quality and popularity evaluation of Wikipedia articles